Welcome to my Portfolio!

Hi, I'm Xin Huey Wong, a ...

Nice to Meet You!


Software Developer Intern

Imagine Communications

May 2024 - August 2024
  • Ensured Versio Control application stability by testing containers in Docker environments and also updated Docker versions to maintain security and compatibility across multiple environments.
  • Developed an automated testing framework in Python and Selenium for Versio Control Application, resulting in a significant reduction of regression testing time by 50%.
  • Configured Amazon EC2 instances with the correct Amazon Machine Images (AMI) based on project requirements, ensuring that the instances were optimized for performance prior to deployment.

VP of Development

UW Data Science Club

Sept 2024 - Dec 2024
  • Developed and integrated a QR code scanner component in a Next.js application that scans, decodes, and verifies member information, and allows for member check-in through API calls to MongoDB
  • Built a script to validate and cross-check member data between a CSV file and MongoDB, logging payment status discrepancies and automating data integrity checks
  • Participated in agile development processes and sprint planning for the term.

Software Test Engineer

Christie Digital Systems

September 2023 - December 2023
  • Designed and executed test cases, logged 5 critical defects before MicroTiles LED latest software release.
  • Enhanced and debugged a testing tool, CAWS which automates web UI testing, thus achieving 95% code coverage (Python and Selenium).
  • Developed a Python utility tool, facilitating the efficient file format conversion for EDID files (.bin to .txt).
  • Pioneered a log monitoring tool in Python (PyQt5) that establishes live telnet sessions to monitor and displays the logs in a table, improving efficiency and accuracy in testing phases by 40%.


LinguaStream, HawkHacks 2024

LinguaStream, HawkHacks 2024

A web application that translates YouTube Video Audio to the language of your choice, and dubs it over the original video.

Virtual Bookstore

Virtual Bookstore

An online book store application

MIPS Compiler

MIPS Compiler

A compiler that translates a C-like programming language to MIPS assembly language.


Tech Stack








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